1:1 inner alchemy

This eight-week program is personally tailored to you and your needs. We will meet once a week via zoom for one hour (or in person if you are local). After getting to know one another and gaining insight into your biggest stuck points, I will customize a plan for you to help you meet your goals.

I rely on movement, ritual, and self-reflection to gently nudge you back towards the medicine you already contain within.

We will focus on one chakra per week, exploring how you can take this knowledge with you and apply it to your daily life. The power of ritual and story-telling in our own voice is extremely potent magic in one's healing journey. 

Learn what to expect below.

1:1 support

Not ready for an eight week commitment?

No problem! I also offer individual one hour sessions for a sliding scale fee of $75-100 based on your needs.

We will assess your wants and needs from working together, meet for one hour, and I will send you a recap of what we discovered after our time together.

The Inner alchemist curriculum

Discover a detailed breakdown of everything we will cover in our eight weeks together. Using fire as our metaphor and guiding element, we will uncover how to alchemize your paint points into precious gold.

week one: flint

Intention Setting; Orientation & Introduction to the Chakras

week two: EMBER

Root Chakra; Connecting to our Roots, Ancestry & Cultivating Grounding


Sacral Chakra; Accessing the Divine Feminine & Sacred Sexuality


Solar Plexus; The Divine Masculine & Stoking your Inner Fire


Heart Chakra; Facing Fear & Opening to Love


Third Eye; Cultivating your Intuition & Dream Identification 


Throat Chakra; Inner Voice, & Self Expression


Crown Chakra; Opening to The Divine, Integration & Closing Ceremony

the inner alchemist

An eight-week self paced course designed to take you through the seven chakras and deepen your self-understanding. Trauma happens when there is too much, too soon, or not enough for too long. This was built to be done in the comfort of your own home, on your own time. No rush.

**Currently in filming production!

Join Abby for an eight- week immersion using the wisdom of the chakras to unearth your whole and magical essence.

Each week we will uncover the magic and mystery of the inner most layers of you. Curated intentionally to inspire you to ascend, as a flame does, into higher realms of self- connectivity. You will be given a clear road map to feeling and understanding. Meant to be done at your own pace. Deprogramming from the patriarchal linear time frame, tap into your Feminine intuition and take as long as you need. Healing happens in layers and spirals.

You will have lifetime access to this material.