Hi, Iā€™m Abby.


My name is Abby Magalee and I'm a highly sensitive person, a storyteller, a trauma survivor, and a certified yoga instructor.

I create and express myself through the use of dance, theater, poetry, and writing. As a sexual assault survivor, I am committed to helping other women who have also undergone trauma.

In my early twenties, I escaped an abusive relationship that would drastically change the course of my life. Looking back, I can bow with deep reverence to my former self that fought to protect me and my spirit at the time.

I understand the symptoms that can come online in response to trauma, both psychologically and physically. During this period of my life, two paths were being forged. One, a pathway of fear and anxiety in my brain, and a second path that led me to yoga.

It was during those darkest hours, the only thing that would bring me solace was being on my yoga mat. I experienced it as the only place I could find clarity. I grew up dancing, and continue to do so to this day, but the practice of yoga was something else entirely. An avid reader, I fell in love with the sacred texts of yoga, the philosophy, energetics, and origin stories.

Since then, I have been lucky enough to travel the world and learn from my teacher whom I have the utmost gratitude for. I began studying the chakra system in 2015 and keep falling more and more in love with it as the years go on.

My desire is to share what I have learned, both through my own lived experience and yoga teacher training, and how it applies to recovering from trauma. The chakra system is a beautiful roadmap towards balance, towards union.

This is what the path of yoga is all about. It is about reclaiming all the disowned parts of ourselves, the parts we may not particularly enjoy, seeing them for the innate wisdom they carry, and bringing them all back home. The law of nature IS balance.

I hope you join me in discovering how we can access it through the chakra system.